I take the Movember slogan "Stop Men Dying Too Young" to heart. I first became a MoBro 14 years ago to pay homage to my dad since his birthday is on November 1st. He passed at away at the very young age of 56 when I was 19 years old . I would've considered him to be a healthy guy, but one thing I can't recollect was him getting annual check-ups. I used this as my soapbox to get guys at any age to make the choice to go get annual check-ups and be aware of the illnesses that affect men the most. That has been the fuel that keeps me going every year. Especially as the years go by, witnessing so many people close to me being affected by having their fathers, sons, brothers, or friends dying too young either by a physical or a mental illness. I'm thankful that Movember gives me the opportunity to bring awareness to men's health in a fun and energetic way that gets the attention of the men in my life.