Nathan Pinno
10  year  Mo Bro


Target: $100
raised $65 since 2014
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health

I do it to promote awareness of men's health issues wherever I go and whenever I stream my games! I know what it's like to struggle with health issues (both physical and mental) and I want to help other men in their struggles as well!

How I'm
getting involved
I'll give up all fast food and stuff you can get from places like 7-Eleven for the entire Movember!
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
24 Week(s) Ago

Today is the last day of Movember, but it doesn't mean that the fight for men's health ends today. That goes on through out the year.

Previous year's posts
24 Week(s) Ago

Today is the last day of Movember, but it doesn't mean that the fight for men's health ends today. That goes on through out the year.

24 Week(s) Ago

24 Week(s) Ago

24 Week(s) Ago

Day 27 and I have so far stayed true to my pledge of no fast food or convience store food, but I am worried about my rent for December.

24 Week(s) Ago

Day 27 and I have so far stayed true to my pledge of no fast food or convience store food, but I am worried about my rent for December.

26 Week(s) Ago

It's the 13th and so far, so good! No fast food or convenience store food has been purchased or consumed despite the temptation every weekday of passing by a Tim Horton's on my way to work! My mustache is also looking pretty good too!

26 Week(s) Ago

It's the 13th and so far, so good! No fast food or convenience store food has been purchased or consumed despite the temptation every weekday of passing by a Tim Horton's on my way to work! My mustache is also looking pretty good too!

182 Week(s) Ago

182 Week(s) Ago

235 Week(s) Ago

235 Week(s) Ago

236 Week(s) Ago

236 Week(s) Ago

338 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan Pinno
Previous year's donations
338 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan Pinno
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.